Director, Erasmus Coordinator | Mgr. Ladislava Dolanová, Ph.D. | +420 221 619 629 |
Deputy Director | PhDr. Alena Bočková, Ph.D. | +420 221 619 628 |
Secretariat | Mgr. Barbora Kosíková | +420 221 619 626 |
SIS Administrator | Mgr. Šimon Dittrich | +420 221 619 631 |
Language Centre of the Faculty of Arts, Charles University
Celetná 20
Praha 1
1st floor, Room 148
Phone : +420 221 619 626, +420 775 101 522
Find us at Google maps. How to get to the Language Centre classrooms.
Faculty of Arts, Charles University
nám. J. Palacha 2
116 38 Praha 1
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